A great wine is made on the vine, a asentence as used as it is truthful. That is why the production stage starts from an analysis of the characteristics of the territory, in order to convey the Agostina Pieri terroirs at best.
We performed some operations, such as the gradual and constant renewal of the vineyard park and the change in the planting distances, with a number of plants per hectare that is today between 3.300 and 4.500 units. Moreover, there are 11 hectaresfor specialized cultivation, at an altitude between 160 to 230 metres above the sea level and yields of about 70 quintals per hectare.
Besides, we decided to keep the 5 existing vineyard lots separated, each of them with their specific features and dedicated to a specific label. Grapes are processed and stored separately, according to the vineyard of origin and of the specific wine that we will produce from that.
So we make a choice at the very beginning: if we realize that a specific batch cannot give us the quality standards we require, we immediately downgrade it to table wine.